Paige scored 169 on her official test—a whopping 35-point improvement over her diagnostic—despite not finishing her Reading Comprehension section.
Maya overcame test anxiety and improved her score by 16 points.
Haley believes that the LSAT rewards consistency and willingness to press on after failure.
Sarah almost abandoned her LSAT study after early struggles, but she stuck with it.
Veronica recommends a flexible study schedule and positive self-talk to approach the test with confidence.
Asad raised his score by eighteen points with LSAT Demon.
Several law schools have announced that they're opting out of the U.S. News & World Report's annual rankings of law schools. Meanwhile, the ABA continues down its path toward eliminating the requirement that accredited law schools use an admissions test. What’s this mean for law school applicants?
Marissa overcame score plateaus and disappointment on her first official test to score 173 on the October LSAT.
Megan credits Demon Live classes as an important motivator and encourages students to approach the test one question at a time.
Sam achieved a 179 by approaching the test with common sense, not gimmicks.