An anonymous listener asks if their political conservatism will put them at a disadvantage in law school applications.
When should you register for the LSAT? When your practice test scores indicate that you’re ready.
Nathan and Erik advise listener Bri to avoid trauma dumping in her law school applications.
Listener Mason asks whether to take the June LSAT or wait until August for his fifth official attempt.
LSAC has released the dates and deadlines for the 2024-2025 cycle
Nathan and Erik advise listener Ananya to rethink her “one and done” LSAT plan.
Nathan and Ben advise an anonymous listener not to overthink their study schedule in the weeks before the June LSAT.
Ben and Nathan urge an anonymous listener to avoid the internet comparison trap and to embrace score variance as their friend.
Nathan and Erik explain the meaning of the phrase “logically consistent” as it appears on the LSAT.
Ben and Nathan encourage listener Marybeth to rewrite her personal statement when she reapplies next cycle.